Auction Donations
The Bouvier Des Flandres National Specialty is rapidly approaching! Looking forward to another exciting and fun time! Our theme this year….Camping with your Best Friend under the Stars of the Utah Evening Sky.
If this is your first time attending one of our events, we are thrilled to have you participating this year! Returning folks, we will be happy to see you and you furbabies again! We will be holding our annual Auction on Thursday, September 30, 2021. We're already collecting original artwork and one-of-a-kind pieces. Please consider donating this year to our event! Looking for many items that are of your own design, equipment, artwork, books, and other pieces. Please contact us through email or text of your wonderful donation. We ask for photos and a detailed description of your items. Plan to bring your donations to the event by Monday, the 27th. We will give you the location for drop off. Feel free to contact us any time! Vickie & Neva |
Auction/Raffle Committee |